Setting secure, cloud-based backup system using git and box.comAdministration

Setting secure, cloud-based backup system using git and

October 14, 2012

After giving up my spying e-mail provider, and moving everything to my own DeeDee server, I moved smoothly from one paranoia to another. Ok, my e-mail is not read anymore by anyone except me, but on the other hand it's on an ATOM machine staying in my room. Which unfortunatelly, is not fire, burglar, lightning and UFO protected. So idea of backups was born. Firstly, I was using an external drive, which I was keeping in the same room, most of the time even attached to the machine. But I thought, that it is still not a best solution. So I started swinging in the clouds.

And immediately faced some problems:

  • They are expensive, and free solutions have very limited capacity,
  • They are external service, so distrust paranoia is getting back (in my case at least :))
  • Most of them doesn't have any "normal" protocol to handle files, and they are basing on a web interface and they "one and only true" client

All of those three problems are unacceptable and needed to be solved if I wanted to even think about clouds.

So I did some research, and found - in my opinion, the best solution out there. Why? Because it solves cases one and three for me. It offers 50GB of storage (ALOT more than I need, all my emails and server-related files are approx. 8GB summarized), and they are supporting WebDAV protocol. Which means that fuse and davfs comes to play. The second problem is actually pretty easy to solve as well - just use encryption (I use GPG).

The next thing was snapshots. They had to be diff-based - that for sure. At the beginning I tried to use rsync. It was nightmare. Sure, it had this compare-dest option, and after many hours of VooDoo magic I was able to set it properly, but still I was unhappy with it. Mostly, because it didn't handle file removal very well (if some files were removed in a new snapshot, they simply weren't included, so I didn't have any information about that, so when I restore the backup, I will have all the files in a newest versions - removed as well). And then it hit me - why not use some VCS? After 0.2 seconds of wondering, I chose git, because I love it. The next question is - how to put all of this together?

Setting davfs for

This step is pretty simple, just install it, add your credentials to /etc/davfs2/secrets, set use_locks to 0 and add proper line to /etc/fstab. Then just mount it. So:

echo "     my_box_com_password" >> /etc/davfs2/secrets
sed -i'' -r 's/#?\s*use_locks\s+0/use_locks 1/g' /etc/davfs2/davfs2.conf
mkdir /mnt/Box
echo " /mnt/Box davfs rw,noauto 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
mount /mnt/Box

If everything went smooth, you will have access to your account via filesystem. Pretty neat.

Setting git-based backup

Firstly you need to set initial repository and backup files. Then encrypt them and copy to Here is how I do it:

cd /
export MACHINE=DeeDee
mkdir -p /home/Backup/${MACHINE}
mkdir -p /mnt/Box/Backups/patches
ln -s /home/Backup/${MACHINE} /.git
git init
git add -A etc root home some/other/important/dirs
git commit -m "Initial"
git gc # compress repository
tar -cf /home/Backup/${MACHINE}.initial.tar /home/Backup/${MACHINE}/*
gpg -e -r /home/Backup/${MACHINE}.initial.tar
# has maximum file limit so split files to lesser chunks
split --bytes=99m /home/Backup/${MACHINE}.initial.tar.gpg /home/Backup/${MACHINE}.initial.tar.
mv /home/Backup/DeeDee.${MACHINE}.tar.?? /mnt/Box/Backups

If you have alot of files, some of them may not be copied in a first time - in this initial deploy, make sure that all the files are moved to!

After that all we need is a daily-snapshot deploy script

export NOW=`date -I`
export MACHINE=DeeDee
cd /
git add -A
git commit -m "${NOW}" -a
git format-patch -1 --stdout > /home/Backup/${MACHINE}.${NOW}.patch
gpg -e -r /home/Backup/${MACHINE}.${NOW}.patch
split --bytes=50m /home/Backup/${MACHINE}.${NOW}.patch.gpg /home/Backup/${MACHINE}.${NOW}.patch.
mv /home/Backup/${MACHINE}.${NOW}.patch.?? /mnt/Box/Backups/patches

Now all you need to do is put this script to some file, and add it to cron:

0 3 * * * /backup

Restoring backup

This is pretty simple. First, fetch all the *.initial.* files to some directory, then merge them, decrypt and unpack.

mkdir -p /home/Restore/.git
cd /home/Restore/.git
cp /mnt/Box/Backups/*.initial.* .
cat *.initial.* > Backup.initial.tar
tar -xf Backup.initial.tar
rm -rf Backup.initial.tar

Now you need to apply the patches:

cd /home/Restore
cp /mnt/Box/Backups/patches/* .
for i in *.patch.aa; do mv ${i} `echo ${i} | sed -r 's/.aa$//'`; done
# Don't forget to concatenate splitted patches, so for example:
cat Backup.2012-10-14.patch.* > Backup.2012-10.14.patch
git apply *.patch

And the last thing is simply to restore repo to it's current state:

git reset --hard master

And voilla, everything is back!


Is simple... I sincerely hope, that you will have better sleep with this solution applied. I have :). And if not, you can always extend it to another good-space, webdav supporting clouds. I didn't find anything as good as, but if you do - please, let me know!